2010年3月1日 星期一

收藏 [Collection]

Too much has been going on lately; it gives me a false impression that it's been a long time when I've been going through a lot.

In this 1 week... I lost him, I gained you all, I discovered your feelings, I learned a lot more about myself...and my changes in situations.

In this week, I've had ups and downs... giggly laughs when I'm with you, had extremely moody and quiet/calm moments when all of us are in the same room; I've felt as grey as the storm.

In this week... I realized until today that I haven't contacted my parents over 2 weeks. (My mom said so.)

She asked me: so you're not really telling us all the 'big' things that happened?
What I'm worrying is whether or not you can handle these emotional changes alright.

I mean, if you can truly overcome these emotional changes calmly, that means you are growing. Surely though, it's going to hurt. Is this a setback for you?

Thinking about what she said, I thought to myself and replied:
I've always tried to remain optimistic while dealing with these things, although the emotions I'm facing may not be the smoothest to deal with. It's not a setback, it's part of growth, and I don't regret it... these are the collections of my growth along life.


我能想像 遠方的路旁有一雙目光

外套右邊肩膀上 還留著 一點香
用失眠哀悼過往 回頭看 為什麼 會退讓
或許人們都一樣 越受傷 越健忘
追尋煙火的路上 或流浪 或碰撞 還要闖

我能想像 在遠方的路旁 會有一雙目光
是否一樣 都帶著昨天的傷 試圖想要遺忘
我能想像 對愛情的信仰 注定得忙了又忙
我的眼框 如果有悲傷那是過程中 的收藏

手指敲在琴鍵上 那情緒 有點DOWN
人影交錯的廣場 或悲傷 或失望 卻不放

躺一躺 看月光
在經過那些離散是否一樣 夠堅強

我收藏 我的淚 妳的光
I collected you, your thoughts, your emotions; ours, collectively.

