2010年12月11日 星期六


本來還在這學期的時間長流中掙扎, 但日子一閃而過..那些度過的日子像一盞盞的路燈一樣的躍過了我的眼, 逃的無蹤..

忙碌的日子, 一直都只想讓它趕快結束, 直到到了盡頭才免不了一直回顧去追隨那些時光.

那些回顧是過的充實的回想, 沒有辜負了自己. 能努力的都盡力了.
日子有朋友和與家人的連繫下相伴度過, 平安喜樂也幸福.


這一年有太多感慨. 可以簡單的濃縮於一聲長嘆後的無奈微笑. 他人對這樣的反應有什麼話說, 無所謂.

他們並不會懂. 因為慶幸的是, 他們都還擁有著幸福, 所以才不懂. 就像我曾經這麼的無知. 天真.

身邊的人一直為我撐著一片天. 一片無憂的蒼穹. 我才一直會有飛翔的夢吧..

就像The Fray的一首歌, "Trust Me"裡面的歌詞一樣:
"We're only taking turns holding this world, that's how it's always been,
when you're older, you will understand."
(我們只不過是交替著支撐著這個世界, 一向都是這樣的, 你長大後, 你就會了解.)

直到被撐起的那片天開始出現裂痕後, 我才發現了我手臂的真實能量.

我的能量有多少呢? 我怯怯的想著. 但必須勇敢的踏出那擋雨棚去發掘, 去激發.

哪天我也要為親愛的人撐著. 若我連自己都打理不了, 又有什麼出息? 又有什麼可說的?

而我知道, 這華麗的冒險已經開始了.

走吧. 走下去吧.
或飛吧, 用信念的風輕盈的滑翔.




可惜的事, 你的字句與思想很少與我們分享.

血緣上最親的你, 看到做姊姊的失望了嗎?

就算較年長的我或許不是你最好的榜樣, 也不是你最談得來的人,
但做為你的姊姊, 我渴望能連上你的心, 尤其在這樣的非常時期裡.

我們都希望你在最好的狀態. 擁有最好的機會.
希望你有某種覺悟.. 而你, 要自己去把握. 好嗎?





對於不適合的人要有拒絕的勇氣, 會將我們淹沒的垃圾訊息也應遠離,


2010年12月4日 星期六

You Can.


may it be you.
you might,
you know,
you can.

2010年11月20日 星期六

好想讓你看見 我眼裡的你

"If I could give you one gift, I would give you the ability to see yourself as I see you, so you could see how truly special you are." - Thomas Merton

奇妙的重新認識你的另一面... 那面讓我動心的一面...
我就好想讓你看見 從那時 到現在 我眼裡的你

你落寞的眼光落在角落.. 我小心拾起..將那應該微微帶著自信的眼神帶回你身邊

我們的談話.. 你沉默不語的專注傾聽...

我 好想讓你看見 我眼裡的你 是多麼值得.

你的值得, 這一切.. 就算只是他們口中的推薦, 建議開始的緣,
我想讓你知道 我是多麼想一點點的走下去..
直到我們越走越近.. 越走越願意...

現在是 我願意
慢慢走... 走到以後, 是... 我們願意.

2010年11月12日 星期五

陳偉聯-I Love You





情感還在飄著... 要不然 睡進了塵土的領悟和感情不會又被打散飄散在空氣中.

"原來曾經擁有過 還比失去痛苦..."

我寄託 對你所有的思念..... 在這首歌裡.
我懦弱的 脆弱的寄託 所有的脆弱......


因為曾經擁有過, 所以美麗.

2010年11月10日 星期三

Words, Keys & Doors

Without words,
how do we open doors?

Doors to people's acceptance of us,
doors to people's trust,
doors to their hearts?

If it's not through words,
is it through gazes?
is it through smiles?

How do I open those doors to you?

Our words circled around the house of "Moments" and "Time",
those words took me to browse through those themed rooms,
"attentiveness", "seriousness", "gentleness", "thoughtfulness"...

I'd like to see the other floors...
How to do that though, if you're not home?
Since you hold the key, since you guard behind each doors,

I'm knocking... gently.
Knock, knock... until I realize you're not there.

Yet you,
You've seen my house in the transparent sunlight.
I'm sure you've heard me too, through those windows,
singing to you..
Did you hear me?

I'm eagerly cleaning and tidying my house,
so that the next time you visit,
you'll feel more cozy...
and stay permenantly with me.

字句 for you


你一直是如此寬容所有人的存在... 脾氣好得不得了..
一直以來 總是覺得虧欠. 但卻沒有什麼好說的...
看到你身邊的她 我只要微笑著替你慶幸你的幸福 就好了吧?
對不起, 你在尋找的我好像一直沒有給予.
能有共同的回憶是一段緣.. 也是我的幸運.
離開後, 就算有想給的溫柔 好像常常脫口而出的卻總是批評...
我也不懂我. 想想, 你也不會介意吧.
搭上你的肩嬉鬧的同時, 心有些片刻的百感交集, 沉默不語.
很多事, 很多話, 就這麼讓它們沉入時光和沉默裡了吧.
就算撈起來, 也於事無補... 或許只會惹是非.. 誤會..

我們也早已在新生活的步調中行走好一段了, 不是嗎?

寫下這些話, 並不是要擾亂你的.
如果這篇字句就放著給你, 希望你偶然會看到吧.

願你快樂.順遂.幸福... :)

2010年11月9日 星期二

[寧.音] The Poet Speaks - Elizabeth Naccarato

在如此紛紛擾擾 變化萬千的心境 事物 & 環境中,

Elizabeth Naccarato - The Poet Speaks..

Stone Cottage .


不知道有沒有人會和我一樣喜歡這樣的音符 ...
放下心中的沉重, 紛擾.. 好好的微笑吧...


2010年9月30日 星期四


可不可以讓我回到 突然長大那一天
那一刻 他的吻 改變我的世界
可不可以這個夏天 這些故事能永遠
球場邊 界外線 我們巳越走越遠

我可以劃一個圈 把自己關在裡面 把回憶擋在外面
卻不能停止想念 在我的天空蔓延 他有的善良和善變
我可以劃一個圈 當作是完美句點 還他自由的藍天
卻不能停止想念 一幕幕甜美畫面 如果放棄了這一切
那麼在我身體裡的靈魂 是誰

可不可以讓我練習 心碎時候有笑臉
等著他 已走遠 才能落下眼淚
可不可以讓我消失 在地平線這瞬間
哭過了 冷卻了 起風了卻不能飛

所以我可以 一直擁抱 心碎

-------------------可以不可以 - 歌詞 ~ 丁噹演唱 . 歌詞轉載於魔鏡歌詞網---------------
問過自己..."我們 到底可不可以呢?"
原來, 錯誤的時間點上, 再怎麼用心的兩個感覺對了的人
畢竟, 愛情還是有很多犧牲&需學習如何融入+平衡進生活裡的.
聽到了這首歌, 念頭想到收到你回信裡寫著你喝了有生以來最多酒的一次,

已經有陣子不會流淚了...但我的沉默正在吶喊: "我也好想見你..."
可以不可以, 重逢&續緣呢? ^^....
讓我們都堅強吧! ... 我在不同的窗口, 給你慢慢變冷的天氣裡長久的擁抱.

2010年9月16日 星期四

你 & 我不知道的事

原來有太多事 人 不一定會知道,
很潛意識的, 很多事 如雜亂或飛逝的想法般 就這麼浮浮沉沉
有些事 根本不會想到. 抓不到原因.

但不是不可能. 也不是不知道.

曾經聽過南拳媽媽的 "笑著流淚",
這名字是否很有趣呢? 怎麼會快樂與悲傷的事並存? in English, it may seem oxymoronic...

但生命總是很有趣。 除了生活裡讓我們體會到很不自覺的事情外,

之前有這麼一段話,是在暑假的讀物 "愛的歷史" (from original by Nicole Krauss)中讀到的:
(p.99) 妳無時無刻不在改變,每天都改變一點點。

在一陣沉默裡聽著一首新歌 & 它的歌詞.. 就嘩嘩落淚...

王力宏 - 你不知道的事 (戀愛通告主題歌)

蝴蝶眨幾次眼睛 才學會飛行
夜空灑滿了星星 但幾顆會落地
我飛行 但你墜落之際
很靠近 還聽見呼吸
對不起 我卻沒捉緊你

你的淚滴像 傾盆大雨 碎了滿地
多的是 你不知道的事

多的是, 我想都想不到的溫柔.
所以後知後覺, 才會哭泣...

也不是不知道為什麼你會離開... 你會這麼體貼卻又留下傷痛給我的離開.
因為到了現在, 我心裡清晰.

是如歌詞所說的那些 被愛的人(我) 所不知道的事.

笑著哭泣... 很好笑吧?
其實不然. 因為哭著笑 笑著哭時, 心底浮現著彩虹....

2010年9月13日 星期一

A Day of Fullness : ㅋㅋㅋ(kekeke) ?

HWKING can make someone feel so full.

When I was busy since last night, it was probably in a long time when I don't feel the annoyance and repulsion to do homework.

I was working full on.... picking up things at an efficienct speed to rush myself - the conscious whip whips me to keep going.. keep working hard... keep working with focus.. (although humanity didn't allow it to the full extent to always be the case)..

I used facebook here and there - but no shame - ;)

I slept at 1am ish.

Not feeling too tired...
in fact, my mind was filled with some songs... singing, humming - as if my mind was its own DJ/radio... having its own little karaoke
in the tiny room of my trying-to-fall-asleeping mind.

I toss then I turn.. in between the two stuffed animals that I snuggle closely to.
My bear... my teddy, and my yellow content looking bunny.

Don't laugh at me - cuz that'll only make me laugh at you - to not know how much comfort having a stuffed animal can be. ;)

I'm not a littel girl away from home - I'm a college student, a young woman experiencing peace and developing tenderness

by keeping my two little beloved bed friends next to me.

I slept.

     ~Woke - around 5:50... but my mind wandered across the noises of my alarm
to get to where it should be - CLARITY: "Gota finish work!"

Morning showers are refreshing, at times a good day's start for catching up work! :D

COM102... & discovering the everyday behaviors in actual theory names...
Prof Harrison's intellectual-sounding fast-paced lecture keeps me focused - engaged - interested beyond what mybrightened eyes can show.
Cognitive complexity... men vs. women... what a difference & good laugh -
what an interesting way to learn about how to think deeper - describing people beyond the physical appearance.
That's what I've been trying to dig & see! - trying to be cognitively complex everyday... >: )
& giving people-centered messages. :) <3

Com applies to such a wide spectrum of things... for good and for other intentions..if only I've known it earlier.

ENG 106... in the more business approach than what I've seen before i W-ed it;
all the more enlightening - white papers...
(their colored printing..might as well add more info on every stop they actually STOP.)
complaint brainstorms --> action --> white papers --> initiate = a change. ; )

COM114... speak speak! speak out!
outlines done. felt so much lighter.. altho still a bit here and there to nail finally..
Kayla's pretty wine-red-auburn hair.
Friendliness of discussions.

LONG CHAT... with ze BOSS de PISA.
ramble ramble ramble. :P
blah blah blah... you get me. ;)
As for the world - for life - it wouldn't be "life" if there isn't both good things & bad things...
cuz "life" would then lose the possibility of achieving "happiness"... which requires a mixture of good&bad.
> 如果生活&生命裡沒有好壞並存, 就不會"幸福"了吧..缺一都不行呢.. :)

> 如果那好奇&樂觀的花苞能一直擁有你們陽光.水.等營養般的滋潤...不知道我會開出怎樣的花來呢! 生活&生命的每個部分都令人期待...喔, 我期待..
If the blossom of curiosity & optimism can continue to have all the right nutrition & condition of having sunlight. water (like you guys are to me)... I wonder what kind of flower I'll grow into! Every part of life makes me look forward to...oh, I look forward to.

Respected Robert Frost, your words are so wise...
not only for me, but also for the encouragement of others: "The best way out is always through."
Through - - - she has went by a few - the week is not yet over, continuing its awesomeness for her to look forward to

if I could remain my optimism like this for always,
manage well with things -
maybe one day I will - - - - with genuineness, I'll prove. You'll see.

"Ahh! Annyeong ha sae yo!"
"Ah..haha~ annyeong ^^ annyeong ha..sae yo.."
Michigan State roll ?
"So what's your name?"
"My name is Hiro"
"What's your year?"
"ahh good..good"
"bye~~ next time take your boyfriend!"
"hahaha.......I don't have one now :P"
"don't have one???? next time you come, I introduce to you Korean boyfriend!!"

laughters. laughters. they always fill the silence & space that i'm in.
yet, my heart wants to whisper with a grin:
"aniiyo...(not that)"
"i have a lover/i already have someone." - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nK0j5eCQL54


bogoshippo yo..


komawo yo.

MINJEONG :) & AIESEC business-attire;

didn't really think you'd be so open to lend this to me...

kam-sa-hamida!!! komawoyooooo XD <3

:) :) :) :) :)

now i'm full.

i ate. > ; P !

2010年8月15日 星期日

Where - Lisbeth Scott

On this half lit day
With your crown beneath your wing
Every word just echoes
And the empty world sings

Where have you gone my feather light heart?
I never imagined I could leave.

In the glistening
Of the lost and open sky
Tiny piece of you sits
Simple wish waits for reply

Where have you gone my feather light heart?
You must'nt forget what love can see.

where have you gone my feather light heart..
simple wish waits for reply.

where have you gone my feather light heart..
I never imagined I could leave..

-it only takes a few rounds of loud shoutings
to break a mended heart that's trying to be strong
under difficult situations.

共生體, 供養, 無法靠自己; 要怎麼恨? 要怎麼脫離?
離開, 回去後, 無法無視自己的脫逃惡習.. 只能好好面對著. 並學著堅強.

2010年8月10日 星期二

Les Mots / The Words / 話語

[History of Love愛的歷史],字句:

(p.8) 光說「找不到語句形容他」,這樣就夠了嗎?

(p.41) (…) 的意義卻興舊銅板的表面一樣漸漸磨損。

*註: …裡可以放入任何你想要的。而我當初寫下時選擇的是:那些你教我的韓文詞語。

(p.49) 有時為了一片樹葉,你必須枉顧整個風景。
好好畫出某個景物的1/4 時,比你假裝描繪整片天空,更能掌握宇宙間的某種感情。

(p.66) 慶幸世間刻意在人們之間造成距離,好讓我們能夠消(弓耳)距離,感受愈靠愈近的喜悅。 儘管在內心深處,我們永遠忘不了彼此之間無法超越的不同,也因而永遠存著一絲悲傷。

(p.77) 因為人們曉得容易發生誤解,也不期望完全了解彼此的意思。

(p.78) 牽手讓我們記起那種兩人在一起、什麼都不用說的感覺。

(p.99) 妳無時無刻不在改變,每天都改變一點點。


時間 因旅行而更豐富
旅行 因時間成就永恆 - 詹晃維

Travelling makes you want to change and be a better person. – 許雅雯

把心放進行李  隨著腳步  去旅行吧  - 黃英屏

旅行  在真實與記憶的雙城間   孿生出的愛與愁 - 尹維誠

Take a journey to find the lost part of your heart – 楊雅芳

旅行 生命的眼睛 
旅行 是一段與自己的對話 一座和世界的橋樑 – 鄭力升

Looking Out; Stepping Out


有時越大格局的想一些事情 會覺得自己越渺小。
走出自我的框框。 我要好好了解我所能了解的一切。
給我幾分 沉默、觀察、體會、領悟 對方、他人、世界,


今天最趕的一次莫過於追Lafayette Limo了!! 平日可以愜意走的路, 一趕就變成了漫漫長路, 讓我跑的疲累不堪. 想想,做作業也要明記這點,早點開始吧? [心得]

雖然離你遙遠, 我卻保持著一顆雀躍的心去旅行, 也愉快的想著我們…這份早已超過友誼的愛…就算沒有正式交往,我卻像交往中的情侶般平靜&感到互相關懷的窩心.
我只能想像這樣默默的關心,秘密的親暱的喚著 “nae sarang”,
直到哪天,你離開後有太多的空白, 才能將那些輕而自然如氧氣的情給填滿.
我無從收起這些甜蜜的情意, 只能慢慢… [感情]

身邊坐著一個賓州的中年生意人, 問了些問題後…讓我開始莫名的對自己的進步與未來擔憂. 兩年的時間內, 我去過了哪裡? 有了什麼樣眼界上的長進?
我是否太自私的只顧及自我的小世界? 未來等著我&已經轉了好久的世界…
我看到了多少? 有太多的風景我想去卻都尚未實現的去看. 這些空白, 我在做什麼去取代?
或許, 爸媽還是會鼓勵我慢慢來, 可是已經20的我還有多少可以慢慢?
現在清醒還不算太晚. [人生]

以上寫於 2010 March 13th, Saturday - Spring Break. ----------------

Philadelphia Museum of Art, 3/16 Tues – Spring Break 2010.

震撼到了, 有一股強大的悲傷,寂靜,孤獨;
旁邊的茄宏有些慘淡, 好像乾了的血.
漸層的顏色有黃,淡橘-到橘, 好像emotional intensity的漸層…
As I step forward to be wrapped among the colors more, the trembles wash through me like rain. They rise. I’m so glad I learned how to resonate with it correctly. The way the artist intends. 溫暖的悲傷…一股腦兒的湧上心頭.它是美的, 只不過是淒美.甜蜜卻苦澀的美.

Solomon Guggenheim Museum
Anish Kapoor: “participation in art causes ‘emotional risk’” = (resonance: The sublime, lost of self, connecting into our memories, 深不可測, slowly the eye adjusts to the darkness the forgotten memories becomes clearer. The visible brown borders leads in, from conscious to subconscious… )

以上寫於 2010 March 16th, Spring Break. ----------------

[Art is Everywhere]

Suddenly thought of "Close to You" by the Carpenters, one of the lyrics is like this:
"On the day when you were born the angels got together, and decided to create a dream come true..."
While a handsome guy or a gorgeous girl can be nature/biology/DNA's "work of art",
we mustn't forget, that, even if we aren't a "work of art" ourselves appearance-wise to begin with, we're still our own individual "artists" in charge of creating and developing our inner beauty. 

[Taipei--Yunan; 旅途中 思想 Notes]

8:45am 7/4, Sat
起飛前, 偶然看見了風在草上的足跡.

[Distance x Time – Your Speed?]
2007年時也才去滑雪度假過. 記得頂多2-3個小時就能抵達.

但時光的距離卻沒有終點. 不能被計算,亦難回首重逢. 就算哪天你願意與我相見,跨過了國家和海洋的距離, 卻不一定跨的過時光,迎向兩人還有一樣願望想要相守的時候.

或許, 因為跨不過時光洪流, 更別說往回走, 回憶才更加珍貴,才動人. 時光是張殘酷的單程車票, 人人都得不斷行進. 但值得慶幸的是, 我們擁有自定步調和何時在自我的時光空間感裡留念.

知道旅行應以愉悅的心境面對, 卻免不了有些文藝性上的憂鬱反應.
在脫離地心引力的那瞬間, 似乎有股自由(樂觀), 或拉扯(悲觀)的矛盾情結.
去 – 這個動作不只包含了迎向某樣事物, 也有拋下.
被期待的(往前的動力force) vs. 被留下的(往回看的阻力drag)…
只在一念間. 我看,我還是別太愛耍憂鬱氣息了吧? XD

關於你, 還是沒有感到那股完全的輕鬆&自由… 我承認我還沒完全放棄你.
但這小心翼翼的守護卻變成了一種束縛. 幸好,這感到被束縛的是我. 每當聆聽那些悲傷又熟悉的函文歌曲時, 心中總是會有惆悵… 不只因為那是你的語言, 前陣子用來親密的喚著你的語言, 更因為那歌曲多了“回憶”和“紀錄”我們的過往的功能.

但我理性的面對關於感情的沉思時, 我卻發現…這短短兩個月的情感太深,
只有感情的戀愛, 矛盾的對我這自認有些許浪漫的人來說是不算完美合格的.
少了知性, 少了心靈對心靈的深交與了解, 我還是無法看清你的靈魂.
對你我還是得透過一點的假想, 一點的跟他人的談話, 我們才能一起試著拼出你靈魂的樣子.
我該打抱不平的幫你抱怨: 如果這些都不算, 那你為什麼還這麼難忘?

語言 是否對互相吸引的兩人真的還是很難?
在你無法用英文深談你心底最確切的感受時, 我沉默以對這方面的無奈.

我跨在這尷尬的感情狀況的裂縫. 一邊是你, 一段不知道是鬆手了還是被纏繞的等待; 一邊是他, 相談甚歡但卻沒有空位的感情… 我呆坐在原地, 有時呆呆注視著你露出笑容的照片…不知所以.
我會不會太貪心. 太不知足… 太不懂得先修自愛的課, 再去愛別人?

以上寫於 2010 July, Summer Break---------------------------

這些還沒有很久的過往... 保留還是拋下呢..?

2010年7月28日 星期三

By Your Side - Tokio Hotel

因為你, 願意在我需要時擁抱著我 給我所有所需...

所以才會依戀. 一直以來, 我是這麼的幸運... :) 為什麼我到這種時候才發現..

你 這麼好. ?

By Your Side - Tokio Hotel;

I just came here to say to you..
I'm by your side
Just for a little while
Turn around I am here
If you want to it's me you'll see
Doesn't count far or near
I can hold you when you reach for me...
the rainbow tried to shine just for you until the end

If the world makes you confused..
and your senses you seem to lose
if the storm doesn't want to diffuse..
and you just don't know what to do
Look around I am here
Doesn't count far or near..
I'm by your side.. Just for a little while.
We'll make it if we try.

* * *

"you're lucky that you got my reply"
"lol sure sure i am lucky.."
"nah.. you're not lucky enough..
i'm the luckier one..
to have you by my side.."

; ) ...

2010年7月27日 星期二

Foo Fighters - Times Like These

I am a one way motorway
I'm the one that drives away
then follows you back home
I am a street light shining
I'm a wild light blinding bright
burning off alone

It's times like these you learn to live again
It's times like these you give and give again
It's times like these you learn to love again
It's times like these time and time again

I am a new day rising
I'm a brand new sky
to hang the stars upon tonight
I am a little divided
do I stay or run away
and leave it all behind?

It's times like these you learn to live again
It's times like these you give and give again
It's times like these you learn to love again
It's times like these time and time again

oh, indeed..

it's times like these. i need to listen to some foo fighter songs to
be soothed and comforted and encouraged again..! :)

thank you. foo.

2010年7月26日 星期一

Ok Go - Here It Goes Again [MV]

Here it goes again....

my struggling thoughts and decisions to make..

bleh bleh bleh. :S

2010年7月13日 星期二


Everyday is a Practice - Cheer Chen;


2010年7月1日 星期四

TFAM Philadelphia Museum of Art [Manet to Picasso Exhibition] Artist Quotes


說真的,喜歡藝術的人怎能不利用北美這段連門票都不用收的期間?? (除了特展外)

就算不喜歡藝術 或自認為看不懂藝術的人 也照樣能去吹吹冷氣 聽聽導覽 周六夜約約朋友 或男女朋友去都是很有氣質的選擇呢!




只為了去把上次沒有帶筆記本抄下來的一些藝術家的話語寫下來, 也跟有緣的人分享.


Anyway, enjoy! (學過&認識的幾個我用*標,就算學了藝術史,我也沒有全部都知道...)

*Mary Cassatt (Impressionist) - I have touched certain people with my artistic sensibility - they have received the sensations of love and life. To what can one compare this joy for an artist?

Georges Rouault - The artist renounces all the theories, both his own and those of others. He forgets all when facing his canvas.

*Fernand Leger - The figure of a human is no more important than that of a key or a bicycle.

*Pablo Picasso - I have directed my life towards learning how to draw like a child.

*Andre Derain (Fauvist) - Color is the materialization of light. Thus it is also a materialization of the spirit. Color fixes the light. Where there is light, there is spirit.

*Claude Monet (Impressionist) - Color is my daily obsession, my joy and my torment.

*Auguste Rodin (Sculptor) - When a good sculptor shapes a human body, he does not only represent musculature, but also the life that reanimates it.

*Rousseau (childlike/naive style) - As I enter the greenhouse in the Jardin des Plantes and I see strange plants from nations exotic, it seems as if I have entered into a dream.

*Duchamp - The great enemy of art is good taste.

*Renoir (Impressionist) - You arrive before nature with theories, and nature casts them all to the ground.

*Pierre Bonnard (Impressionist) - Painting must return to its initial object, the examination of the interior lives of human beings.

*Georgia O Keeffe - I said to myself "I have things in my head that are not like what anyone has taught me - shapes and ideas so near to my - so natural to my way of being and thinking that it hasn t occurred to me to put them down." I decided to start anew to strip away what I had been taught.

*Marc Chagall - My circus performs in the sky.

Tanguy - The painting develops before my eyes, unfolding its surprises as it develops.

Eugene-Louis Boudin - All that is painted directly from the subject has always a force, a power, a touch of life that one loses in the studio. The first impression is the best, one must attach oneself to it and refuse to budge from it.

*Degas (Realist) - Painting, it is very easy when you don t know how to paint. Once you know, it is very difficult.

Maurice Utrillo - In all works of art, human feeling should have priority over aesthetic systems or pictorial methods.

*Camille Pissaro (Impressionist) - Paint liberally and without hesitation to preserve the freshness of the first impression.

*Joan Miro - I don't invent anything. Everything is here.

*Manet - The truth is this, art should be the writing of life.

Alfred Sisley - All painting represents some thing with which the painter has fallen in love.

*Robert Delauney (Orphism) - Even if art cannot liberate itself from the object, it can leave behind a description.

*George Braque (Cubist) - Art is made to disturb. Science reassures.

*Paul Gaughin - The work of a man is the explanation of that man.

Amedeo Modigliani - I try to formulate with the greatest clarity, the truth about art and life, in the way that I experienced it.

*Henri Matisse (Fauvist) - That which I dream of is an art of balance, of purity, of tranquility, without disquieting or preoccupying subjects, which is...an emollient, a balm for the mind, a thing analogous to a trusty armchair which absolves the body of its weariness.

*Vincent van Gogh - Making sketches amounts to a planting of seeds that grow into paintings.

有些真的形容得很貼切啊...讀著這些藝術家描述後 再看看他們的作品,就真得很make sense...

光是看著這些quotations就有雞皮疙瘩起來的共鳴&很棒的感動.. :)

2010年6月30日 星期三

Legacy Taipei 6/30 Live Concert: Maska & 家家 :)

今天終於去聽了Maska.Di Hot&家家在Legacy的live演唱啦~!!!!!

一開始跟媽咪去華山藝文中心停車後 找Legacy找了有段時間..=v=
不過一進去後 整晚的演唱&真摯的原住民歌聲深得我心呀...^^

雖然買了一張400元的票時 期待的只有家家的現場演唱,

開場 原住民曲調的吟唱是少不了的 帶著一點沙啞&十足的渾厚嗓音是
可愛的Maska樂團 唱出很多生活中的小細節 非常俏皮 也很頑皮的唱著現代人隨便的情感&肢體接觸的內容
真無奈呀.. 莫非是我太落伍嗎? 我寧可落伍保守也不要隨便...

Maska的曲風偏雷鬼(Reggae style), 用耳朵大致上去辨識&分類 就像海灘邊聽會很盡興的那種輕輕搖擺風吧!
一首曲子的中間都還會參雜著很多變換的節拍&節奏..讓我的指頭不由自主得跟著敲敲打打 想跟上他們音樂中的節拍

雖在中間穿插了很多可愛的小笑話&玩笑下來 也沒什麼冷場, 但我內心還是較期待家家的表演...

中場休息後布簾又拉起, 重新拉開後, 我看到了心目中那位歌唱公主的身影...
緊貼著手邊帶來的"Blue In Love", 那片她與昊恩一起錄製的專輯,
我情不自禁的高聲呼了好幾聲 歡迎她的出場~

家家的歌聲...除了原住民本身的厚度&power外, 也非常的有穿透力...
很甜美 高亢 又有沙沙的溫柔氣音..
讓我好羨慕....^^ 我想這也是我十分喜歡她的原因吧?
她可愛的舞台個性&舉動 我也盡收眼底 跟著綻開笑容..
不知道如果她不是紀曉君的妹妹的話, 大家還會不會這麼喜愛她呢?
我只知道,我目前反正也還沒聽過紀曉君, 她與家家也是兩個很截然不同的個體..
而家家的可愛 不論是在專輯或現場的歌聲中,"Da La La La"旁白中的率真,

開場的原住民古謠,到Blue In Love專輯裡年代久遠的日本民謠流星(奶奶傳下來的)
到輕搖滾的Da La La La 都讓我耳熟不已,聽&隨著她的聲音哼唱的如癡如醉.
另一位寫曲人的妹妹剛好在現場, 於是家家也演唱了幾首他的作品:I Need You.玫瑰匕首.等
那曲風現在要描述時,令我詞窮了..只能說是非常有氣氛&浪漫搖擺的歌曲...很lounge.. (yeah XD, my fav!)

唱到後面 家家提起了一位讓現場的大家都十分驚艷的來賓 阿妹*阿密特~~一回頭就望見這位天后的美麗身影
散場時 我不忘望著婀娜多姿 纖瘦的阿妹 輕鬆的衣著 沒有架子或保全 很純粹的加入今晚原住民同胞的"Forest Night"@Legacy的演唱會. 也帶給我們最棒的"附加驚喜"

走出場外前 我興奮的停不下今晚聽歌的悸動 開始想詢問哪裡可以找到家家幫我簽名.
一位非常nice的工作人員 直接帶了我去舞台附近找她.

我在旁邊等候著 一面看她與另一位歌迷拍照 (今天很可惜的沒帶相機,因為Legacy的票明明說不可攝影的> <"!怎麼今天現場好多人都偷拍犯規...哈)
一面有些緊張.. 拍完後卻有另一位要安排她去一位朋友那.

我奉上了"Blue In Love"專輯,並靦腆的對她說:"我很喜歡家家,能聽到你今晚的演唱十分開心!我收藏了這張你和昊恩的CD,想請你幫我簽名 今天剛好帶來.."

家家一邊問旁人今天的日期後,看到專輯的封套,可愛的說: "哇~~~~~這古董了耶!"(呵, 有那麼久嗎??還好吧^^)

簽完接過,看著她, 我猶豫了一下..(要握個手嗎?) 後來還是放下了念頭,笑著感謝她.


我真的,好喜歡家家=] 不過 簽完的那一霎那 看著她想著, 或許不用簽也可以 只要默默的在心底保留那份 能聽到她唱現場&有留下這麼美的音樂互動&回憶 那樣的心態就好了

面對歌迷 還是得"板起神經" 應對完簽名拍照等事務 沒辦法很自在

那個唱歌時直率可愛又俏皮的家家 我可以在心上保留 心底深愛著她那唱歌的靈魂
所以, 我寧可在遠方看著她自在 謝謝她這樣的寵愛了我的耳朵 也不用近距離去探望&接觸了^^

謝謝家家.謝謝Maska.謝謝媽咪.謝謝今晚所有的工作人員 讓我留下了這麼難忘的聽歌回憶.

Tommy Emmanuel - Since We Met

2010年6月25日 星期五

F.I.R - 真愛地圖

鬆開後 聽不到你的心跳...
儘管斑駁糢糊, 我依然拼湊那幸福...
用期待 灌溉
讓悲傷 綻放
決定了, 不悔改, 這就是真實的.
寫下了一切美好的路途, 等你回來.

Brushing fingers through the hair, forming them into a prayer sign in the wind to pray

After releasing them, your heartbeat is no longer heard.
If there could be a sign, I’d trade for time to rewind
I would use tears to mark where you were.

Oh~ this map of love is so mottled and blurred by now
Yet I’m still piecing that happiness

Choosing to love deeply, dry those tears
Use expectations to irrigate a field of forest
Let sadness blossom the outcries in the bottom of one’s heart

Deciding to love deeply, so never regret and change
How brave; this is a genuine love
In the end, there’s no one that can be hurt

Noting down the most beautiful route to wait for your return.

2010年6月10日 星期四

雲和心靈一起傾倒: Love of Iris - Shin Seung Hoon(신승훈)

下午突如其來的一場雨 讓我去水舞台的計畫臨時更改,

變成窩在家裡看了點韓劇... 努力試著維持清醒的我 在電腦上找了些好看的.

這次韓劇的部分, 嘗試了IRIS, 就是白智英 Don't Forget 那首歌的來源.


這首歌帶來的反應更是讓我感嘆: 今天這場雨來的正是時候.

雲朵盛滿了雨水時, 偶爾也要傾倒一下, 心靈也是...

由於這溫柔又美麗的詞, 我的心毫不吝嗇的分享了到目前一直充沛又滿的水量.

有時, 悲傷比沒有感受好. 這少那是經歷的證明. 也是成長的證明.

申昇勳 – Love of Iris



無法恨你 也忘不了你
看來除了愛你 我什麼也做不到

越是愛你 越是受傷
無法恨你 也忘不了你
看來除了愛你 我什麼也做不到

一天就好 讓我的心再次跳動

2010年6月9日 星期三

【中字】Brown|eyed|girls|sign|(Ballad ver.) -音-樂-旅-行-啦-啦-啦

你一定懂 那些沒有傳出去的訊息的意義

你會懂 因為我們兩個都在承受.

就算有聯繫的自由, 也沒有能力去牽線... 只能忍著. 想你. 想你.

surely you got my sign. sign. sign.

K.Will - Miss, Miss, and Miss MV (English Sub)

想著你 想著你 想著保留著痛

但願你沒有真的傷的如此重... 但我又何從而知呢?

我也一樣... 只用回憶&凝望著照片想著你溫習

跟你一起上的這堂課 用幸福的記憶順便溫習痛楚.

幸好的是, 我們及早因為你的堅強說了再見..或許你我都可以早些改變&堅強起來.

因為年輕, 還沒有真正擁有太深的愛, 但願不會太難太痛去承擔.

因為年輕, 還有一笑置之的本錢.

因為年輕, 我們都還有未來.

因為年輕, 我們遲早會看的開.

因為年輕, 我們還可以期待.

因為年輕, 所以我們說 "那是愛" 並還有辦法保留最美的記憶.

因為你, 可以釋懷.

因為你, 我可以為你也為自己微笑. (為我們一起微笑)

: )

我們 不是死灰 是暖暖的炭塊, 不管多遠都在心底暖暖的烘烤著回憶.

2010年6月8日 星期二


在夜晚的美麗時光裡 聽聽&哼唱這樣的藍調多棒呀.....

更棒的是, (家家) 她唱出我的心聲.

誠實的用那股情感力量支撐的每個音符... 表情..氣息.

他們是 昊恩(吉他) 家家(唱)。

聽著聽著讓我好想也有機會這樣表演&唱出屬於我自己的音符...對你坦然的說聲: 我好想你.

2010年6月7日 星期一



若有再多的財富, 心靈若空缺著, 沒有感情.溫情.親情.友情. 也毫無意義.

若有再多的財富, 不能快樂的與他人分享也毫無意義.

分享心得. 分享快樂. 分享得與捨.

就算擁有一個很漂亮的房子... 如果帶來的感覺卻像監牢,
"I bought a house, not a home"

幸福對我來說如此容易, 吃.喝 就可以帶給我滿足的讚嘆&微笑,
與朋友的相處中, 歡笑裡, 我時常慶幸緣分帶給我的每份幸福.

多希望 歸屬&關愛的幸福也可以被帶回來.

2010年6月6日 星期日


慢慢的 成長讓我體驗到..


是在沉默中想要挖掘出結了痂的悲傷片段  加以回憶好稀釋深藏的悲傷 

然而在陣陣鼻酸和內心的翻滾中  發現已經讓自己到沒有淚水可以揮霍

在沒有淚水的悲傷中  眼看著回憶  卻放不出感情  一直隱隱約約在心底

那些口是心非  那些明知道事實卻必須掩飾內心的戲碼 

堵塞了一陣又一陣的衝動   反而變的不健康.



2010年6月4日 星期五


思緒的流動是很快的  一股想法會隨時冒出 也會隨時消逝...


脫韁時  我會情不自禁的深深望入回憶裡  去探索  到現在還沒徹底冷卻的那塊心

心 暖暖的  像冬天一杯濃郁的熱巧克力  有著淡淡的甜味  卻也有著淡淡的苦澀 (或許是黑巧克力吧)

深深望入回憶裡  深深掘起所有有關你的影像, 模樣; 
一絲凝重的模樣  一絲綻開的微笑   一絲做鬼臉逗趣的模樣  一臉認真後可愛邪笑的模樣..

時間延伸無止境的模樣  霎那永恆, 瞬間的模樣   癡醉的模樣  沉默凝望對方想永遠留住的模樣



這樣想 連悲觀也脫了韁.
兩年結局後的想像  平行線, 交不到集...

解脫/坦然的想: 這不就是緣嗎?那又能怎樣?

可惜我無法現在就轉移重心. 尚未..

只好任由思緒脫韁. 在無盡的時間原野上奔馳.

我愛你 對不起 我愛你 對不起 對不起 我愛你...

就算有彼此的聯絡方式 就算綠色的勾勾浮現

再久一點 讓我盡可能的去闖闖遊蕩吧.

"如果心可以跟著想法走,那還有什麼問題..." - 韓劇, 玻璃鞋 台詞.

2010年5月22日 星期六

MV-dance flow df1 【迷人的危險】MV

Like the tune,

like the looks,

like the dance!

Dance Flow - :) a diversed dance.singer group! :D


2010年5月16日 星期日


喜歡一個人, 不該像一朵花掉在泥塘裡,


喜歡一個人, 要像一片葉子飄在風中, 輕盈地悠遊, 自在地翻飛, 愉快地感覺那種美好的滋味.

只因為世界上有這麼一個人的存在, 所以當你想起他的時候, 心裡就有說不出的安慰.

只有祝福, 沒有期待.

喜歡不求回報, 不必頻頻自問對不對.

至於他是不是也喜歡你, 無所謂.

那麼不一樣的兩個人, 相愛時一定會有摩擦,有爭執, 一定會有意見不合的時候. 但也因為是這麼不同的兩個人, 才會被對方深深吸引, 然後相愛.

一旦付出, 難免對感情就會有所期望. 但當你期望太多, 就會陷入愛情的深淵. 要付出前, 要用心觀察, 確定對方對你也願意付出, 願意掏心掏肺. 免得自己受傷害. 在決定要付出之前, 必須先了解對方, 而且要完全能夠與對方溝通.

只有祝福, 沒有期待, 只是希望所愛的人能夠快樂, 能夠有一天回頭發現他的存在. 輕輕柔柔的, 像蜻蜓點水一樣, 努力的尋找給對方最好的. 能留下的也只是池塘上的一陣陣ripples.

雖然當列車到達終點時, 結果並不是一般人所希望的, 但路途的過程卻是刺激的, 快樂的. 細心的去認真的想要去了解他們所愛的人, 陪伴他們所愛的人. 學習愛別人的同時, 也在學如何愛自己, 保護自己.

回首時才看到之前為我們紀錄所留下的文件, 重讀一遍後, 又感受到了更深的很多事.
有時不得不懷疑自己感悟的能力... (為什麼不能多運用在真正有實質幫助上的事??)

不過捧著這一切, 心底的寶藏, 別人想分享都只能透過我自己願意說才能窺視一點點的寶藏...

套用一句昨天看的 "結婚! 結昏? 辦桌" 裡面, 黃韻玲的一句台詞: 我真的好幸福...幸福的想哭.

我時常覺得幸福應該要以優雅的微笑來表現... 但遇上不同幸福的風景時, 真正的情緒是百感交集的.

生在這個家, 是一種幸福.
遇到累積到現在的朋友, 是一種幸福.
遇上你(們), 所有讓我體驗.學習. 愛情&喜歡這種酸甜參雜的人, 是個人的自私幸福.

字句總是不足以表達我對生命的感謝 感悟 感情.

可是還是想留下一點痕跡, 紀念當下的我... :)

這樣的心情...以後回首後 讀起來會更加寶貴.. 因為尚年輕, 還有一點樂觀&感受幸福的能力.

2010年4月24日 星期六

Good Life :)


One Republic;

Good life..... a tune that summarized how I'm doing lately.

Good friends, good food (at least I took pleasure in indulging them!), good love..., good LIFE!

positive . upbeat . nostalgic . 有一種想讓人珍惜過往的旋律pattern存在.
the song gives me a feeling of cherishing, overviewing all the goodness lately. <3 = nostalgic .

Thank you to all of you who are and will be a part of it. :) !

Gift/Present, with Love

愛一個人 最大的好處並不是可以被愛
The biggest advantage of loving is not so that we can be loved in return.

It’s about going through all of the emotional and spiritual changes.

心因為愛如何變的柔軟, 溫柔, 變的堅強, 也變的更懂得愛自己, 讓自己變得更好, 把生活照顧的更好.
How one’s heart learns how to be tender, soft; at the same time strong; knowing how to love oneself more, knowing how to make oneself better, how to take care of one’s life better.

心也因為愛學會如何唯美的破碎 再被勇敢的拼湊起來
The heart also learns how to break beautifully because of love, then how to be put together again bravely.

愛最大的好處是學習 就算看盡了所有愛的面貌&影響… 未來還是會去勇敢的追求那美好的旅程
Love’s biggest advantage is the learning process. Even if one has seen all of its appearance and learned its consequences and influences, in the future they would still pursue the beautiful journey bravely.

愛 最大的好處是把心給出去塑造, 蛻變出更多元更圓滿的我們.
Love’s biggest advantage is… giving our heart out to be molded; the process of metamorphosis that makes us more well-rounded.

You are the one who synthesized the thoughts for me, as I express them into words.

你是我人生中最珍貴的一份禮物. 千言萬語, 都無法完整描述你&我們的一切有多美好.
You are the most precious gift in my life. Thousands of words wouldn't be able to describe how wonderful you/the things we shared are.

How should I ever thank you...? Let's thank fate. ;), for letting us meet & go through this journey.

K. Will - Present/Gift

2010年4月7日 星期三

Korean-pop; memories & song bank

If I were to arrange all these songs I've come across so far in the order of how it relates to us,
it'll be arranged like this:

Nell - Time Spent Walking Through Memories (Eng sub)

Eru - Black Glasses 까만안경 (eng sub)

Eng sub - Can You Hear Me Now? - Lee Seung Chul

Chinese sub - No One Else, 李承哲 再没有那樣的人了 (韓語中字) 比悲傷更悲傷的故事

'There's no1 like him/her' / No One Else - Lee Seung Chul

Brown Eyed Soul: Jung Yup - Nothing Better (Eng Sub)

정엽 (Jung Yeop) & Yiruma - River Flows in You

If there is only one way for you,
that road is within you right now.
If you can withstand more that way,
Entrust everything you have here.
Holding you, holding you...
It’s in you, (the) river flows in you...
Slowly, slowly, the river flows in me...
Holding you, holding you...
It’s in you, (the) river flows in you...
The waiting, at the end of waiting,
Will I be there at the end of that wait?
I want to throw my feelings towards you,
So that I can always feel your presence.
If you can withstand more thant way,
Entrust everything you have here.
Holding you, holding you...
It’s in you, (the) river flows in you...
Slowly, slowly, the river flows in me...
Holding you, holding you...
It’s in you, (the) river flows in you...
The waiting, at the end of waiting,
Will I be there at the end of that wait?
Holding you, holding you...
It’s in you, (the) river flows in you...
Slowly, slowly, the river flows in me...
Holding you, holding you...
It’s in you, (the) river flows in you...
The waiting, at the end of waiting,
Will I be there at the end of that wait?
Holding you...
The river flows in me...

All these afterwards would just be extra/different links/songs that I came across...

아름다운 날들 - 브라운 아이드 소울 Beautiful Days - Brown Eyed Soul /
Korean.Romanji.Eng sub

정엽 (Jung Yeop) - Baby I Love You

Eru - White Snow (eng sub) 흰눈

"I have a lover"

'A sad story sadder than sadness'

Nell (넬)- 기억을 걷는 시간 Korean lyrics

Nell - Time Spent Walking Through Memories
Romanji lyrics, Kanji lyrics & eng translations.

Compiling a memory song bank... with the bittersweet feeling that lingers throughout my memories with you.

2010年4月6日 星期二


I'll always believe in... every one of those most beautiful moments;

我擁有的這一切 都是無與倫比的美麗.
(because) All of what I have are incomparable beauties.

謝謝你, 我最美的今天&未來最美的回憶.
Thank you, my most beautiful today and my most beautiful memories of tomorrow.

Believing in you & Having the confidence in myself.

: )

但願你說過的 我們經過的
一切 我都永遠相信, 並保持樂觀.


2010年4月1日 星期四

(I) (Don't) Hate u - April Fooled? / (I do) 사랑해

Can You Hear Me Now?
There are many similar emotions in these songs.
However similar they may seem in terms of emotions, it'll never fully define how we are.
Do you know?
Because there's No One Else.
No One Else can define us.


"Hate u."

"Seul puh...."

"Yes, babo!:P :D hahahahahah do you kno what day is today?"

Babo-ya, when I say I hate you, did you really thought I meant it?

"U babo, how can i reli hate u......i cant even find the time and chance to love u!!!
N i mst luv u in such a sad way..u babo, im always ur babo..n its april fools today :'} i love u crazily u silly..:'( seul puh nado..^^ but smile, cuz i luv u, :$ :)"

"nul na srnghae..? :$ :'( :( ;)"

"Na neun nul sarang hae.."


Lee Seung Chul 李承哲

[1] Can You Hear Me Now

[2] No One Else (Chinese sub)
No One Else - (English sub)

*延伸聆聽: 離人-林志炫 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrlXbLnqKZU

"離人揮霍著眼淚 迴避還在眼前的離別
你不敢想明天 我不肯說再見

2010年3月30日 星期二

Can't Be Closer.

我想 我們的距離不可能再更親密或更近了
深深凝望 深深凝聚起情感 投注在眼眸裡
十指緊扣 雙手交纏 感受兩人呼吸的重量
每片刻的慢慢用心去深深擁抱 用唇覆蓋彼此 深吻的時刻

(或許是長久的了解彼此 溝通 了解對方吧~ )

在情感的深度中 我盲了 深深沉澱在幸福裡 時間永恆的延伸 無止境.

與你 這些並不是我的第一次
但卻有初體驗的感覺般顫抖 震撼心靈 或許這就是了吧.


항상 너의 곁에 있어줄게..
i'll be there for you always


2010年3月8日 星期一

生日禮: 愛的真諦?

"I won't blame you that you left, because I understand all this time..

Now our time is up and you have to go. But there is still the feeling left in my heart.
Even though I miss you, you would not know. I cannot speak it out. All I can do is to miss you..nothing else....I accept the reality. But I will not forget the good time we had. No matter how lonely I would feel, I have to move on..." - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwzbQT0CA1Y

if that is how u feel...... i jsut want to hold u tight n never let go......................... i dont care..... just wana flow my care thru u. to you....... as long as u open ur arms n accept it.

KwangWoo: I do not want to answer...... you can think i am coward...or jerk.. whatever......=(
just think what I told you before... I showed my true feeling....I don't want to answer that question
sigh........in my life... love was always tragic to me... please let me stay as your friend...please please...

wont u even have some hope...?
wont u even let some love in..?

there's a phrase that ppl say... about love.. the saddest love..
but i dont think that's the saddest........
"the furthest distance in the world is that when im standing in front of you, yet you don't know that i love you"

原來你不是不夠喜歡我 是因為這樣對你也太痛苦
i finally realize that it's not cuz u dont like me enough so u wana stay as ai mei.... the truth is that it's too painful for you too...............

KwangWoo: Dong seng
I don't know what to say.... except 미안해...mi an hae

why......why do u choose to say mi an hae...
instead of sarang hae.........hahahahhahahah
one word difference... one gives heaven, one gives ......
so much regret.... so much sadness....... or even jo wa hae...

KwangWoo: 동생 좋아해....but 미안해 so much... 친구로 지내자...제발
dongseng.. jo wa hae.......... but mi an hae so much.. please.. lets stay as friend.... =(

..............(L)........i felt you.
........ :' (

...........i want to hug you......... deeply..............
can i go find u...?

KwangWoo: you can't...if you hug me or give me your heart again,,, i can't control myself anymore... I want to leave happily, lightly as much as i can... help me dong seng...
please forget everything... and treat me as your other friends... can you ?


i'll try... for you
i'll try......

KwangWoo: its hard... its hard to me... but time will resolve all this things...

u're the most beautiful memory of mine..

KwangWoo: me too... :'( may be you would find more awesome guy than me... and he would make you happy.....

i wish time never passes.....i wish time never changes... but over 2 years... it's too hard...
if time nvr changes someone.. u'll still b the same.....

i wish i stayed in ai mei..........................ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

KwangWoo: 미안해요 (sorry)

u know what's the best gift from u....? your love.
thinking of it... will be my lifelong gift.

KwangWoo: (dead)

mi an hae..
struggle struggle struggle....

^.^" ...?
can we...really not go bak..?
sigh.. im so stubborn even if i know we shouldnt..
not even think about it..

KwangWoo: I gotta do some work... before I go.. I want to say... 동생 사랑해 and 미안해... do me a favor... please lets stay friend...(L)

...............(f).......... ...(cry)

KwangWoo: wo ai ni... right??  :)

......我 wo 愛ai 你ni. ..(L)...

KwangWoo: I love you too...동생 sorry... I am a coward... I will be more mature as I do training in the military...

...... no.... nonono.. *shakes head madly*.....
i love you.

一個只能相愛卻又不能相守的人,只能默默的去愛,默默的為彼此祝福。因為當我們需要關懷和呵護的時候,對方總不可能在身邊. 等待這樣一個只能相愛卻又不能相守的人,需要一份勇氣,因為我們知道,這樣的愛是偉大的,同時也應該是無私的,更是神聖的,等待這樣一個相愛卻不能相守的人,還需要一顆真誠和寬容的心,把所有的委屈及傷痕都隱藏起來,在互愛的同時,應該考慮到愛的責任,愛可以讓人得到很多很多,也可能失去很多很多,這就是愛的代價,愛需要付出,但不一定能夠得到回報,得到的也不一定是真誠的回報。




2010年3月1日 星期一

收藏 [Collection]

Too much has been going on lately; it gives me a false impression that it's been a long time when I've been going through a lot.

In this 1 week... I lost him, I gained you all, I discovered your feelings, I learned a lot more about myself...and my changes in situations.

In this week, I've had ups and downs... giggly laughs when I'm with you, had extremely moody and quiet/calm moments when all of us are in the same room; I've felt as grey as the storm.

In this week... I realized until today that I haven't contacted my parents over 2 weeks. (My mom said so.)

She asked me: so you're not really telling us all the 'big' things that happened?
What I'm worrying is whether or not you can handle these emotional changes alright.

I mean, if you can truly overcome these emotional changes calmly, that means you are growing. Surely though, it's going to hurt. Is this a setback for you?

Thinking about what she said, I thought to myself and replied:
I've always tried to remain optimistic while dealing with these things, although the emotions I'm facing may not be the smoothest to deal with. It's not a setback, it's part of growth, and I don't regret it... these are the collections of my growth along life.


我能想像 遠方的路旁有一雙目光

外套右邊肩膀上 還留著 一點香
用失眠哀悼過往 回頭看 為什麼 會退讓
或許人們都一樣 越受傷 越健忘
追尋煙火的路上 或流浪 或碰撞 還要闖

我能想像 在遠方的路旁 會有一雙目光
是否一樣 都帶著昨天的傷 試圖想要遺忘
我能想像 對愛情的信仰 注定得忙了又忙
我的眼框 如果有悲傷那是過程中 的收藏

手指敲在琴鍵上 那情緒 有點DOWN
人影交錯的廣場 或悲傷 或失望 卻不放

躺一躺 看月光
在經過那些離散是否一樣 夠堅強

我收藏 我的淚 妳的光
I collected you, your thoughts, your emotions; ours, collectively.

2010年2月15日 星期一

歌詞片段 & 曲情

笑著說再見 就一定會再見
你說風吹 我就聽見
往事般 落在我面前
我獨自 散步在昨天

難忘你 微笑的雙眼
那是你 讓離別可以晴朗一點
因為很想念 每天都是晴天
心晴朗 就看得到永遠


未來如何 現在不急著預測

有些事我沒說 但你有感覺

有些事你沒說 但我知道結果.

2010年2月4日 星期四

Week of Warmer Winter; Jan-Feb

I discovered several interesting things around me lately.

Would you like to share an ear?

I always thought people with English as their first language wouldn't need help on making sure their ideas flowed well... until I met my ENG106 conference friend.. (who I'm not sure of her name, yet).
I was surprised to listen to her while she said, "it was nice to have several people read every draft that I wrote so I could make sure that my ideas flow well."

That was quite some surprise.... !
I suppose Purdue's writing lab isn't only for students whose first language isn't English - but also for a lighthouse for lost writers and those who need guidance.

I also didn't know myself and my learning attitude enough... until I met a lovely classmate in Contemporary Art History, AD384--Linda. The first time I actually talked to her, she told me that it's hard for her to understand and organize her ideas together when she's doing the portfolio, because she's got learning disabilities.

Hearing this, I was enlightened. Without meeting her and talking to her, I probably felt like I had to work so hard to "compete" with all the other students in the room... but more than that, she showed me the true "hardworking" attitude to learning.

In my email in attempt to ask for her notes on the day I missed class, she mentioned how she may want to bring her portfolio homework drafts to the writing lab for some help.

.................. Someone like me without learning disability, just some laziness and slight language adjustments to make while putting down my answers (usually quite LATE)...How should I feel when I hear this?
I've never had to face this kind of troubles... yet I just do the work and turn it in to get it pass before last minute...
"Oh, you're fine I'm sure. I often find it quite hard. It's a bit tough to deal with (learning disabilities)." - Linda.

Thanks to my inspirations, I see how even American students have to work very hard for their works.
The greatest "comfort" there is for me is that now I know I'm not quite alone.

we're not geniuses or talented people who can just comprehend everything within seconds.
it's nice to know there are people like me who needs to take the time to digest the material.
it's nice to know, on the path of learning, we're all working hard together.

that's it.
Isn't it inspiring? :)

2010年1月21日 星期四






或許,這全然是我的錯。 你沒給我保證。 友誼不需要保證。 特別是大學這樣的環境。


而我也不需要給你特別的期待。 是我給了自己一對無形的枷鎖,讓自己垂頭喪氣。

我在期待什麼? 我自己也不清楚。








2010年1月19日 星期二

Geography = War

For this semester, another research project and 15 page essay is going to fall on the particular work I'm assigned... for the AD493 20th Century Latin American Art.

Among the artworks, I've grown interest in many... but ultimately I could only choose 3.

The last 3 that ended up on my plate of fate were:

-Perro Aullidos a la Luna, Rufino Tamayo (a painting/artist that I found through previous "dog art" search)
-Holy Dance, Xul Solar
-Geography = War, Alfredo Jaar.

Interestingly, a little event that happened before my AD384 Contemporary Art class seemed to have hinted me what I would end up with.

While the previous class's professor was tidying his sheets of paper away, another student named Linda asked about his lesson. Our curiosity at his loose sheets made him give out 2 sheets for each of us in the front row closest to him.

I had a close look.

"Test your knowledge of the Middle Eastern Geography" and

A map of Africa.

While Peter, Linda and I had a good study at the map, we concluded that it completely baffled us.

At the end of the day, I sat at the Stewart computer lab and actually took time to check up all the country names and filled the labeled and non-labeled in... realizing afterwards how the confirmation of my AD493 assignment linked with the fact that I received these maps.

It could be a forceful reasoning, but still I felt this was some interesting coincidence.

Alfredo Jaar's installation work shown in the first lesson already interested me with the concept of
representing the "unrepresented".
In this work I'm about to face (also one that I can't successfully find an image on), titled Geography = War, it gave me an exciting shiver all over because of the subject's universal message and ability to be connected by anyone.

Since the ages of creating maps to now, the division of boundaries and territories has long been an issue of

Funny enough, I'm one that's living in the issue.



The tension still exists.