2009年11月21日 星期六

金色琴弦 同人圖文 "On Fire" [火原x香穗] Part 2

Hearing Hihara’s trumpet, Kahoko stood up feeling melancholy too.

Azuma looked at her thoughtfully. No longer teasing her or reacting to what just happened, he paid attention to his friend’s trumpet instead.

Hihara…you really like her that much eh? This sad tune… so unlike you. Thought Azuma.

Kahoko stepped closer to the bars to take a look at the boy who stood there, playing his trumpet sadly.

Hihara sempai… Kahoko backs up slowly, then ran by Azuma straight to the boy she promised to walk home together. She wanted to explain everything – her helplessness, her care for him, most of all – let him know that she cares about him a lot more than he thinks.

Hihara opened his eyes, drawing himself away from the emotions and noticed the time on the school clock tower reading 4:35pm.

The cheerful boy sighed gently, stopped playing his source of happiness…

Since we met, you’re the reason why I play so energetically. But now, I play emptily.

Just as he thought this way, he heard a girl panting from afar. He turned to look at the source of such nervous panting and found a color of red in his sight…

Hi-Hi-...Kazuki-sempai!” The girl cries loudly as she loses all momentum, resting perfectly into Hihara’s chest.
   Kaho-chan…! Widening his eyes, Hihara could barely react, but he opened arms to embrace the red haired girl and found her to be his love.

   "Kazuki-kun… ano, gomenasai…!" Kahoko closes her eyes tightly as she apologizes.
   "Kaho-chan… why, don’t cry. I don’t want to find my girl crying in my arms… AHH what am I saying, I mean, I-I…I mea- I don't want to let girls cry..eh.." Finding himself guilty of speaking his heart, Hihara immediately starts to stutter uncontrollably.

   Hihara-ah, Kazuki-sempai… Kahoko was stunned by his words and blushed shyly. This is the first time she finds his words and stuttering with such warmth and cuteness. She blooms into a beautiful smile.

   Hihara, seeing her reaction blushed and smiled… he took a deep breath and reached for her hand.

Ah!!…Sempai… Kahoko, feeling Hihara’s warm and comforting hands, looks up at him while turning even redder.

“Kaho-chan looks like a blushing cherry-blossom… how, how pretty.” Hihara confesses with more confidence as he held her hands with two hands now, and firmer – looking into her eyes, he saw the way she wanted to speak to him about the incident just now with Azuma.

“Kazuki-sempai… let’s-let’s go, we promised.” After a long while of gazing, Kahoko lowers her head shyly after Hihara’s eyes met hers for such a long moment of time. But her hands lowered slowly, still holding his and gave him a sweet smile.

What’s this feeling… oh my, Kaho-chan..! My heart is expanding with heat and a wave of sweetness like honey…! Hihara’s face still burns, not able to calm down from Kahoko’s response to everything he did.

What am I doing…but more importantly, what am I feeling? I felt so happy explaining everything. Wait, but I haven’t mentioned about Azuma or really EXPLAINED to Kazuki-sempai… but I’m holding his hand…!

Azuma watched the two from above until Kahoko held onto Hihara’s hand and lowered it gently. He turned around, smiled in a disappointed way and disappeared under the sunset.

By this time, the overjoyed 2 calmed at each other’s hands holding each other, began to gaze deeply into each other’s eyes, even if it seems difficult in such bright sunshine.

金色琴弦 同人圖文 "On Fire" [火原x香穗] Part 1

金色琴弦 同人文 音樂想像系列
"On Fire” by Switchfoot"

Hihara Kazuki x Hino Kahoko

It’s another leisurely Friday,
Seiso Academy students are waving goodbye to each other in the mixture of orange and red sunset color…

A tall third year student with lime colored hair is running in small steps to catch up with the apple colored hair girl in front of him…

     "Kaho-chan…!" the cheerful voice calls the girl gently.
     "Ahleh? Hihara-Sempai!" Hino Kahoko turns over in surprise,
     "Are you going home too?" Smiling politely, she asks casually
     "Yeah, well, band practice is cancelled for today…
     I can finally go somewhere on a Friday afternoon! Does Kaho-chan want to go home together…?"

      Hihara touches his nose in slight nervousness, hoping that Kahoko
        will agree to let him have this chance to walk her home.

     "Ah, sure, sempai!" She smiles brightly in reply.
     "Oh really? Yokada…!" Hihara breathes lightly and gazes at Kahoko’s cute smile,
     "Oh wait! I think forgot my violin sheet music is on the balcony!
     Gomen! I’ll be back soon, sempai, please wait here for me,
     I must’ve left it when I was talking to Len-kun just now…" after explaining, Kahoko quickly runs back into the building.

     Hihara stood where he was, astonished at her forgetfulness, thinking:
     Kaho-chan has these moments too? How adorable…
     After standing for a while, he felt tired and found a stone bench to sit on while he waited.
     I wonder what kind of places will inspire her interest… if only we can go to different places together at times.  
     While Hihara daydreamed about Kahoko and his private outing, Kahoko arrived at the balcony and bumped clumsily into Azuma who happened to have stayed after school to practice flute.
     "Azuma sem…pai!" surprised, Kahoko exclaimed.
     How unusual! I thought he always had his driver pick him up on time…
     "Yo…Isn’t this Kahoko?" Azuma turns, smiling with his usual gracefulness.
     "Ano…did you see a pile of violin sheet music here, sempai? I left them here just now."
     Kahoko searches with her eye, but didn’t seem to find her lost sheet music.

     "Oh…? Well." Azuma approaches her, his graceful smile turns to an rare evil smirk as he picks up
a few strands of Kahoko’s hair.

     "Sem…sempai!?" Kahoko suppressed her instinct of screaming and turned her fear into a helpless whisper.
     "What’s wrong, Kahoko… I’m just admiring your scared face. You remind me of my sister when she gets caught by my grandmother. Hahaha…"

     Amused, Azuma examines the scared girl closely who’s leaning against the corner of a cement wall.

While this is going on, Hihara is walking up the stairs the lead to the balcony. Hearing 2 people speaking unclearly, he anticipated that Kahoko might’ve found her violin sheet music. He opened the door slowly, wanting to catch a glimpse of her happy moment…

But he was shocked by what entered his sight and ear:

     "Can’t I make you blush like Tsuchiura does? I’ve seen him patting your head anyway."
     Still teasing Kahoko, Azuma didn’t realize his best friend stood a meter behind him.

     "Hi—Hihara sempai…!" Kahoko lets out her regret in another helpless whisper…
What would Hihara sempai think of us now? I must explain to him it’s nothing…!

     In between seconds, Kahoko sees Hihara’s face saddened; like the beautiful sunset that suddenly darkens into nightfall.
     "Ah, Hihara… you haven’t gone home too?" Azuma puts on his smiling mask, covering up casually.

     "Kaho-chan…" Hihara said somewhat weakly and quietly and turned back in a small run.

     I guess I’m not the only one who makes you blush…

I never knew Tsuchiura and Azuma…no, it seems like every one of us has been pretty close with you in some way… among them, I’m just another sempai or guy who makes you blush.

Tsuchiura gives you courage during the first selection, he gives you the courage of who you need to be – as a violinist, as representative student who strive to play for the General Studies Section…

Len-kun can help you directly on what you need to know in terms of violin skills, performing techniques…

Tell you where you need to go
Tell you who you need to be
Tell you what you need to know
Tell you when you’ll need to leave

     I can’t help feeling bitter and jealous.

But everything inside you knows
Says more than what you’ve heard
So much more than empty conversations
Filled with empty words

Since that night I fell on you (and fall for you) by accident, did you blush in front of other guys?

     Hihara paused and smiled sadly,

I remember seeing you blush in front of Azuma not just this time,
Do you know how my heart thumps so nervously when I heard about your “engagement” with him?
And now this…
Oh, what am I doing now… you make me burn and feel troubled at these mysteries…

And you’re on fire
When he’s near you
You’re on fire
When he speaks
You’re on fire
Burning at these mysteries

     I can’t help it.
    Can we have some time alone?

     I guess not even on my finally-free-Friday.

Give me one more time around
Give me one more chance to see
Give me everything you are
Give me one more chance to be... (near you)

Cause everything inside looks like
Everything I hate
You are the hope I have for change
You are the only chance I’ll take

Kaho-chan… it was your performances and conscientiousness that moved me, changed me…furthermore, falling for you. It’s been such a long while since I felt this way.

Lately I kept pondering whether or not I should tell you… because you’re the only one I’m willing to think about confessing.

I’m on fire
When you’re near me
I’m on fire
When you speak
And I’m on fire
Burning at these mysteries
These mysteries...

     I’m falling for you... I’m…

As Hihara’s thoughts pause here, he thought of the English song his friend recommended him lately.

     On Fire… Closing his eyes, Hihara puts his hands to his head and sighs in a troubled way.

I’m standing on the edge of me
I’m standing on the edge

As if trumpet is the only outlet to his troubled thoughts and mood, Hihara opens his trumpet case and raised it to his lips.

Standing next to the Musical Fairy Lili’s statue where he used to play his trumpet in support of who he likes, Hihara played the tunes of his mind on his trumpet, expressing his blues. Blues in love.

     Liking someone is not as easy as I thought…!

金色琴弦 同人圖文 "一首簡單的歌"

金色琴弦 音樂想像系列 圖文同人文

一首簡單的歌, 王力宏


想著想著, 這一切, 連我中午待在很少人的圖書館裡都沒辦法專心讀著音樂的知識了…
(失去的 忘記的 我會盡力去彌補 你是我 最珍貴的財富)

我想, 微笑是人們最美最燦爛的瞬間吧.
那天, 一個班上的女生對我告白…
她說: "志水君, 我很喜歡你微笑的時候…燦爛的像天使呀..!"

現在我想起妳之前說, 我常常都在看書和思考出神的模樣很危險…
我決定以後都要多為妳, 對妳微笑.
(我一直 在思考 讓你了解我的好 卻忘了 常常對你微笑)

(什麼樣的禮物 能夠永遠記得住 讓幸福 別走得太倉促)

屬於妳特有的, 直穿心靈…忠於自我和音樂之間的天籟.
我迷迷糊糊的那些時候, 總是因為妳的提醒 讓我沒有略過太多周圍發生的美好事物

可是我說不出什麼話來表達 身為妳學弟的感謝.
(這世界很複雜 混淆我想說的話 我不懂 太複雜的文法)

我最近也觀察到, 學長們都對妳特別照顧…

就算我不常說什麼, 在妳眼裡是個迷迷糊糊的一年級生,

我也了解, 他們對妳的傾心…就像我對妳的愛慕.

身為妳的學弟, 能這樣的在妳身邊感受音樂的美好就很幸福了.
(雲和天 蝶和花 從來不需要說話 斷不了 依然日夜牽掛
唱情歌 說情話 只想讓你聽清楚 我愛你 是唯一的傾訴)

我錄了這首昨天拉的簡單的歌… 參考著  "即興作曲本" 寫的.

聽 聽 看 吧 . . . 無論如何, 都希望這能傳達我的心意.

寫一首簡單的歌 讓你的心情快樂

生命就像一條河 難免會碰到波折

這一首簡單的歌 並沒有什麼獨特

好像我 那麼的平凡 卻又深刻

- 志水桂一 -

金色琴弦 同人圖文 "可愛女人"

金色琴弦 音樂想像系列
可愛女人 周杰倫 (適用於所有配對)


註 (配歌詞的原因)

1坐直升機飛到宇宙去: 曾坐飛機出國留學的有錢少爺
3土埔: 樓梯間向下墜的日野被抱入土埔懷中/火原: 撲倒片段, 都是因為地吸引力呀!!
5溫柔-發燒靠頭片段, 心疼-手指被劃破片段
7讓我瘋狂-讓我情願為妳做任何事, 對妳的感情讓我煩惱
澄清: 香穗實在沒有什麼不好的地方可以說她"壞"耶.. = ="

後記: 這是我的第一篇金色琴弦 同人歌詞拙作~~ 本來就只有抱著讓自己開心& 抒發喜歡配對的心情寫的.. :)  圖片部分我只抓了自己存起來的那些… 所以應該配上的適當圖片沒特花時間去找. 配對部分我一開始是十分偏向火原x日野的~ 所以歌詞部分也在他們的部分思考&想像的比較多 不過每位男角剛好都有配到有理的歌詞~~ (我並沒有想包括金弦2的角色. 所以沒有葵, 桐也或兩位師長.學長級的男角, 失望的話抱歉啦~) 希望各位搜尋到看完後還喜歡 ^^

2009年11月14日 星期六

Learn the Rules... & Break Them!

"You need to learn the rules so that you can break them intelligently."
"你需要學會規則才能夠聰明的打破它." (或許翻得不是很好..)

This was taken from one of Matt's favorite quotations - coming from a Design History professor.
(Who is it, Matt? :D)

This lingering concept of the day traced back to one of my long memories...

My mom supported and encouraged me to learn piano since a young age, she thought having some musical inspirations for a child is never a bad thing. In Taiwanese/Chinese concepts, childhood is the best time for learning anything... not only it will inspire a child's interests, learning the piano may also become one of my many interests as well as for self-entertainment (even if I dropped the trainings).

So since kindergarten, I've been attending music courses of the Japanese YAMAHA system (more of a Japanese and Asian (?) scope musical system and tests compared to other ones such as the ABRSM, a more international recognized music and theory exam. (I'm not sure if this one is more known for American society, actually xD - but hopefully Christina Tarn, my musical mentor will find time to explain more as she is one of the participants who earned distinction level!) Nevertheless, YAHAMA's musical education was the basis of my musical journey and pretty much how I came to be the music appreciator I am today.

My piano learning journey wasn't a smooth one, because I'm definately not a very initiating student; most of all, not a good daughter who seem to cherish her opportunities and cultivation from parents.
I remembered how I would always be reminded to practice, practice and practice...
My dad would always say "practice makes perfect", with a grand expectation hoping I would go and be a diligent player..

Of course, besides his encouraging aspects, he would certainly get disappointed and frustrated by my laziness and irritated attitude from not wanting to even 'touch' my piano/keyboard (of earlier times).
I've been beaten out of love. A lot of love... that stems the frustration, disappointment, anger, and expectation from my parents... All of this made sense as I am a 19 year-old by now. Certainly I understood their point of view as parents. Taiwanese parents... whose values and views are rooted from Chinese culture and thoughts, they "want their sons to be dragons, want their daughter to be phoenixes" (望子成龍, 望女成鳳)

But I don't care. I simply didn't like or have the want to touch my keyboard/piano that time.
There wasn't much joy I really got out of it. But based on my progress and potential to keep playing until I can enjoy it, I continued.

During these times, I worked on passing YAMAHA piano exams from grade 9 all the way to 6...(YAMAHA system starts from Grade 9 and counts down to grade 3 or 2, the best record/performing level yet) while preparing for those, my piano teacher trained me with classical based pieces and music scores as fundamental works, as well as practicing scales... to keep it interesting and melodic, at times some pieces from another book of scores.

But even that bored me. By passing grade 7's sight reading with tears, I passed the line. But I knew grade 6 would be problematic. Since failing the grade 6 exam in the YAMAHA system around middle school, my piano teacher only found me more interesting pop scores to play. Yet I was reaching a limit of not wanting to do any of it.

Due to my fluctuating emotions and limit, I stopped - I really resisted having any more things to do with the piano and scores... because I felt trapped.
Trapped by those fingerings I'm adviced to follow that'll make playing easier (supposedly), trapped by classical techniques that seem so crucial to my piano learning (even if I knew it was essential and the MUST of learning)... I rather play "freely".

What do I mean by freely, though? Jam the keys?
Well, I felt frustrated enough several times that I did bang on them... but that's not "free", it's just pure frustration exerted :) .
The freedom only came to me occasionally: I would listen to Taiwanese pop songs and play the melodies by ear on piano keys - to be more exact, it's more like "testing the key and notes". During YAMAHA piano exams, I usually did do better with the aural and play sections anyway; completely out balancing my sight reading skills. Doing this, playing more "freely" according to my wishes in fact did bring me a greater sense of happiness. At least, it makes me dwell on it for hours if the melodies in my mind kept reminding me of songs I can "try" on the piano.

I used to be so distraught while learning piano, abiding the rules, fingerings... all the necessary things that seemed to tie me up like a shapeless rope - but they were also the basis (somewhat) of my freedom when successfully "playing" the pop songs. I suppose rhythm and theory-wise I did break many rules, whether intelligently or not - rules are inseparably necessary in learning; most of all, in need to break free in order to innovate.

Tracing from art history, isn't that what most artists did that led to their fame?

Boccioni, Unique Forms of Coninuity in Space

Nike of the Samothrace, Louvre
The beginning quote can't be applied any better elsewhere other than the arts
(visual, aural, performing, literature, etc.)
Old is new ... ! ;)

Kandinsky, Lyric 1911

"Feel" by Antony Gromly 雕塑: "我是顛覆規則&傳統的楷模!"
Upside down sculpture: "I'm the model for breaking rules and traditions!"