2012年10月29日 星期一

[Music/Lyrics/Translation] 艷火(Glamorous Fire) by 張懸 (Deserts Zhang/Zhang Xuan)

Some youtube comments: 
"不是飛蛾,這裡的撲火,是心甘情願的、是璀璨無比的;我們每個人­都有能力 找到屬於自己的艷火,並再次為深愛著的對方 盡情燃燒。" 
(Not like a moth crashing into the fire. The fall for this fire is completely willing, it's iridescent; we all have the ability to find our own fire, and be able to burn that fire willingly for the ones we love deeply, again.)  
"我覺得艷火是一種借代的手法, 代表: 美好的。" 
(I think "yan huo" (=fire burning glamorously) is a kind of literary technique for substituting something "wonderful".) 

艷火 - by 張懸 (焦安溥

撲火 我們相視笑著 
Falling into this fire, looking into each other's eyes we smiled, 
撲火 什麼都不說 
Falling into the fire, nothing needs to be said, 
不說的 是真的 我們相視笑著 是夢也快樂 
What is unsaid is real, looking into each other's eyes we smiled, even if it's just a dream, we're still happy
When you walked out of your histories of love to walk towards me
我在你眼裡看盡了相戀的年代 曾經的黑白 此刻燦爛 
I read all the years of loving in your eyes that was once black and white, now gaining its colors

於是你不停散落 我不停拾獲 
And so you kept scattering and I kept picking it up
We are the fire burning glamorously for each other day and night on this far away road
如果你在前方回頭 而我亦回頭 我們就錯過 
If you turned back in front of me and I did not look back, we would have missed each other
很久以前人們都許諾  許諾要是什麼 可以不說 
A long time ago, people made promises, but what those promises are can remain unsaid

撲火 我們相視笑著
Falling into the fire, we looked at each other and smiled
撲火 什麼都不說 
Falling into the fire, saying nothing
不說的 是真的 我們相視笑著 是夢也快樂 
What's unsaid is real, we looked at each other smiling, even if this is just a dream, we're happy
當你原諒所有遺憾 對我依賴 
When you forgave all of the past could-have-been's and depended on me, 
我在你懷裡想起了最初的感慨 第一次等待 此刻還在 
In your arms, I remembered the emotional moments for the very first time, the first wait, it still exists at this moment

於是你不停散落 我不停拾獲 
And so you kept scattering and I kept picking it up
We are the fire burning glamorously for each other day and night on this far away road 
如果你在前方回頭 而我亦回頭 我們就錯過 
If you turned back in front of me and I did not look back, we would have missed each other
於是你不斷的愛我 我能如何便如何 
And so you keep loving me, I do whatever I can do 
Even if it may be ashes on this far away road, we're watching the glamorous fire tonight
我等你在前方回頭 而我不回頭 你要不要我 .... 你要不要我 
I await you to look back in front of me, but if I do not look back, would you still want me? 
Would you still want me? 

撲火 我們相視笑著撲火 
Falling into the fire, we looked at each other and smiled 
什麼都不說 不說的 是真的 
Nothing said - but what's unsaid is real
我們相視笑著 有夢了 快樂
We looked at each other and smiled - we have a dream now, we're happy 

2012年10月23日 星期二

[Music/Translation/Lyrics] 韋禮安《有人在等我》- Wei Li An (Weibird): "Someone's Waiting For Me"

(If we wait together, these days may not seem as long...)

韋禮安《有人在等我》Li-An Wei (Weibird) : Someone's Waiting For Me
作詞 Lyrics:韋禮安
作曲 Music:韋禮安
(both by Li-An Wei)

電梯門 自動門                   Elevator doors, automated doors,
推開的 旋轉門                      Revolving doors that have been pushed open,
旋轉不到我的家門                  Do not lead to the door of my house

陌生人 的眼神                   Stranger’s looks
冷淡的 吵鬧聲                      Cold noises
掩蓋不住我心底的那一聲       Cannot overpower that sound within my heart

那一聲 呼喚我的人                      That sound, who calls for me,
催促我 快點踏上歸程 歸程 Oh~       Is hurrying me, hurry on your return, return oh~
那一刻 想起她餘溫                    That moment I thought of her lingering warmth,
腳步加快 思念更深                      made me pick up my steps, sense of longing grows

有人在等我 有人在想我               Someone is waiting for me, someone is thinking of me
有人在電視機前 視而不見 為我等候 
Someone is in front of the TV, as if they cannot see anything, waiting for me
有人在等我 有人在想我       Someone’s waiting for me, someone’s thinking of me
有人在天亮以前 為我守著        城市最後一盞燈火
                                   Before dawn, someone is guarding the city’s last bit of light for me

陌生人 的眼神                   Stranger’s looks
冷淡的 吵鬧聲                      Cold noises 掩蓋不住我心底的那一聲       Cannot overpower that sound within my heart
那一聲 呼喚我的人                      That sound, who calls for me, 催促我 快點踏上歸程 歸程 Oh~       Is hurrying me, hurry on your return, return oh~ 那一刻 想起她餘溫                    That moment I thought of her lingering warmth, 腳步加快 思念更深                      made me pick up my steps, sense of longing grows

有人在等我 有人在想我               Someone is waiting for me, someone is thinking of me 有人在電視機前 視而不見 為我等候 
Someone is in front of the TV, as if they cannot see anything, waiting for me有人在等我 有人在想我       Someone’s waiting for me, someone’s thinking of me 有人在天亮以前 為我守著        城市最後一盞燈火
                                   Before dawn, someone is guarding the city’s last bit of light for me

我想穿過 人牆人龍 超越指針上的移動
I want to get through all these walls of people, surpass minute hand’s ticking
我要越過 人海人叢 只是因為 有人正在
I’m getting through all these crowds of people, just because someone is…

有人在等我 有人在想我
Someone is waiting for me, someone is thinking of me
有人在電視機前 視而不見 為我等候
Someone is in front of the TV, as if they cannot see anything, waiting for me
有人在等我 有人在想我
Someone is waiting for me, someone is thinking of me
有人在天亮以前 為我守著 城市最後一盞燈火
Before dawn, someone is guarding the city’s last bit of light for me