2010年4月24日 星期六

Gift/Present, with Love

愛一個人 最大的好處並不是可以被愛
The biggest advantage of loving is not so that we can be loved in return.

It’s about going through all of the emotional and spiritual changes.

心因為愛如何變的柔軟, 溫柔, 變的堅強, 也變的更懂得愛自己, 讓自己變得更好, 把生活照顧的更好.
How one’s heart learns how to be tender, soft; at the same time strong; knowing how to love oneself more, knowing how to make oneself better, how to take care of one’s life better.

心也因為愛學會如何唯美的破碎 再被勇敢的拼湊起來
The heart also learns how to break beautifully because of love, then how to be put together again bravely.

愛最大的好處是學習 就算看盡了所有愛的面貌&影響… 未來還是會去勇敢的追求那美好的旅程
Love’s biggest advantage is the learning process. Even if one has seen all of its appearance and learned its consequences and influences, in the future they would still pursue the beautiful journey bravely.

愛 最大的好處是把心給出去塑造, 蛻變出更多元更圓滿的我們.
Love’s biggest advantage is… giving our heart out to be molded; the process of metamorphosis that makes us more well-rounded.

You are the one who synthesized the thoughts for me, as I express them into words.

你是我人生中最珍貴的一份禮物. 千言萬語, 都無法完整描述你&我們的一切有多美好.
You are the most precious gift in my life. Thousands of words wouldn't be able to describe how wonderful you/the things we shared are.

How should I ever thank you...? Let's thank fate. ;), for letting us meet & go through this journey.

K. Will - Present/Gift

