2009年8月16日 星期日

Finding My Lost Self

I've been troubled with some of my qualities, (whether they be good or bad depending on the situation,) such as being an emotional person: letting sudden thoughts or ideas interrupt me, coming in my way to weaken my concentration on some important tasks; being on the 'childlike' side, like a hyper girl that can never learn maturity and calmness but only when she's on her own... and so, in the few years prior to college, I've been learning and refining myself, getting rid of some 'unwelcomed' qualities and in search for balances.

However, some of these qualities come to help me in a good way. I must say, if I don't have these sensitivity to things, these fleeting thoughts, I wouldn't have been "riding along" with these activities I've found so valuable, memorable & rewarding that I volunteered for. Not to mention the people I meet along with that. It was approximately since March, since I began to dive into all sorts of opportunities for volunteering etc. I tried the World Vision (Taiwan Branch)'s translating volunteer, passed a trial translation to qualify, yet rejected because "enough" as been working (or they prefer the ones who have attended the orientation prior to that).
Been trying for the ISS orientation leader, but only got my final reply until june or so...

AT LEAST, I was on the team. In the process, from lost and not knowing what to do, where to follow, finally finding ways to fit myself into different tasks and working with different people, to being on tasks with unimaginable energy (even to myself) and finding a 'lost self' back.
Not every volunteering activity can make me feel this way.

Little by little, I observed as if I was solving a puzzle, seeing how pieces of me have come together, the me that has once been supressed in the past... to seeing a complete lost me -
or, retrieving myself successfully by doing different things.

Ever since ISS (Intl Students and Scholars) volunteering Check-in and Grad Orientation, I seem to have found a lot of valuable elements. Should I thank those who have inspired me, or thank that it as been this way for me?

Either way... I'm thankful for this collision between us, because when we 'collide',
it seems like the collision helps us let go a bit of ourselves, and bonding's easier.
Being the people person I am, I was activated and became outgoing once more.

And perhaps it's cuz of a guidance light there all along.
i.e. The sun. Yes, the cahya (light) worked.

