2010年9月13日 星期一

A Day of Fullness : ㅋㅋㅋ(kekeke) ?

HWKING can make someone feel so full.

When I was busy since last night, it was probably in a long time when I don't feel the annoyance and repulsion to do homework.

I was working full on.... picking up things at an efficienct speed to rush myself - the conscious whip whips me to keep going.. keep working hard... keep working with focus.. (although humanity didn't allow it to the full extent to always be the case)..

I used facebook here and there - but no shame - ;)

I slept at 1am ish.

Not feeling too tired...
in fact, my mind was filled with some songs... singing, humming - as if my mind was its own DJ/radio... having its own little karaoke
in the tiny room of my trying-to-fall-asleeping mind.

I toss then I turn.. in between the two stuffed animals that I snuggle closely to.
My bear... my teddy, and my yellow content looking bunny.

Don't laugh at me - cuz that'll only make me laugh at you - to not know how much comfort having a stuffed animal can be. ;)

I'm not a littel girl away from home - I'm a college student, a young woman experiencing peace and developing tenderness

by keeping my two little beloved bed friends next to me.

I slept.

     ~Woke - around 5:50... but my mind wandered across the noises of my alarm
to get to where it should be - CLARITY: "Gota finish work!"

Morning showers are refreshing, at times a good day's start for catching up work! :D

COM102... & discovering the everyday behaviors in actual theory names...
Prof Harrison's intellectual-sounding fast-paced lecture keeps me focused - engaged - interested beyond what mybrightened eyes can show.
Cognitive complexity... men vs. women... what a difference & good laugh -
what an interesting way to learn about how to think deeper - describing people beyond the physical appearance.
That's what I've been trying to dig & see! - trying to be cognitively complex everyday... >: )
& giving people-centered messages. :) <3

Com applies to such a wide spectrum of things... for good and for other intentions..if only I've known it earlier.

ENG 106... in the more business approach than what I've seen before i W-ed it;
all the more enlightening - white papers...
(their colored printing..might as well add more info on every stop they actually STOP.)
complaint brainstorms --> action --> white papers --> initiate = a change. ; )

COM114... speak speak! speak out!
outlines done. felt so much lighter.. altho still a bit here and there to nail finally..
Kayla's pretty wine-red-auburn hair.
Friendliness of discussions.

LONG CHAT... with ze BOSS de PISA.
ramble ramble ramble. :P
blah blah blah... you get me. ;)
As for the world - for life - it wouldn't be "life" if there isn't both good things & bad things...
cuz "life" would then lose the possibility of achieving "happiness"... which requires a mixture of good&bad.
> 如果生活&生命裡沒有好壞並存, 就不會"幸福"了吧..缺一都不行呢.. :)

> 如果那好奇&樂觀的花苞能一直擁有你們陽光.水.等營養般的滋潤...不知道我會開出怎樣的花來呢! 生活&生命的每個部分都令人期待...喔, 我期待..
If the blossom of curiosity & optimism can continue to have all the right nutrition & condition of having sunlight. water (like you guys are to me)... I wonder what kind of flower I'll grow into! Every part of life makes me look forward to...oh, I look forward to.

Respected Robert Frost, your words are so wise...
not only for me, but also for the encouragement of others: "The best way out is always through."
Through - - - she has went by a few - the week is not yet over, continuing its awesomeness for her to look forward to

if I could remain my optimism like this for always,
manage well with things -
maybe one day I will - - - - with genuineness, I'll prove. You'll see.

"Ahh! Annyeong ha sae yo!"
"Ah..haha~ annyeong ^^ annyeong ha..sae yo.."
Michigan State roll ?
"So what's your name?"
"My name is Hiro"
"What's your year?"
"ahh good..good"
"bye~~ next time take your boyfriend!"
"hahaha.......I don't have one now :P"
"don't have one???? next time you come, I introduce to you Korean boyfriend!!"

laughters. laughters. they always fill the silence & space that i'm in.
yet, my heart wants to whisper with a grin:
"aniiyo...(not that)"
"i have a lover/i already have someone." - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nK0j5eCQL54


bogoshippo yo..


komawo yo.

MINJEONG :) & AIESEC business-attire;

didn't really think you'd be so open to lend this to me...

kam-sa-hamida!!! komawoyooooo XD <3

:) :) :) :) :)

now i'm full.

i ate. > ; P !

