2010年7月1日 星期四

TFAM Philadelphia Museum of Art [Manet to Picasso Exhibition] Artist Quotes


說真的,喜歡藝術的人怎能不利用北美這段連門票都不用收的期間?? (除了特展外)

就算不喜歡藝術 或自認為看不懂藝術的人 也照樣能去吹吹冷氣 聽聽導覽 周六夜約約朋友 或男女朋友去都是很有氣質的選擇呢!




只為了去把上次沒有帶筆記本抄下來的一些藝術家的話語寫下來, 也跟有緣的人分享.


Anyway, enjoy! (學過&認識的幾個我用*標,就算學了藝術史,我也沒有全部都知道...)

*Mary Cassatt (Impressionist) - I have touched certain people with my artistic sensibility - they have received the sensations of love and life. To what can one compare this joy for an artist?

Georges Rouault - The artist renounces all the theories, both his own and those of others. He forgets all when facing his canvas.

*Fernand Leger - The figure of a human is no more important than that of a key or a bicycle.

*Pablo Picasso - I have directed my life towards learning how to draw like a child.

*Andre Derain (Fauvist) - Color is the materialization of light. Thus it is also a materialization of the spirit. Color fixes the light. Where there is light, there is spirit.

*Claude Monet (Impressionist) - Color is my daily obsession, my joy and my torment.

*Auguste Rodin (Sculptor) - When a good sculptor shapes a human body, he does not only represent musculature, but also the life that reanimates it.

*Rousseau (childlike/naive style) - As I enter the greenhouse in the Jardin des Plantes and I see strange plants from nations exotic, it seems as if I have entered into a dream.

*Duchamp - The great enemy of art is good taste.

*Renoir (Impressionist) - You arrive before nature with theories, and nature casts them all to the ground.

*Pierre Bonnard (Impressionist) - Painting must return to its initial object, the examination of the interior lives of human beings.

*Georgia O Keeffe - I said to myself "I have things in my head that are not like what anyone has taught me - shapes and ideas so near to my - so natural to my way of being and thinking that it hasn t occurred to me to put them down." I decided to start anew to strip away what I had been taught.

*Marc Chagall - My circus performs in the sky.

Tanguy - The painting develops before my eyes, unfolding its surprises as it develops.

Eugene-Louis Boudin - All that is painted directly from the subject has always a force, a power, a touch of life that one loses in the studio. The first impression is the best, one must attach oneself to it and refuse to budge from it.

*Degas (Realist) - Painting, it is very easy when you don t know how to paint. Once you know, it is very difficult.

Maurice Utrillo - In all works of art, human feeling should have priority over aesthetic systems or pictorial methods.

*Camille Pissaro (Impressionist) - Paint liberally and without hesitation to preserve the freshness of the first impression.

*Joan Miro - I don't invent anything. Everything is here.

*Manet - The truth is this, art should be the writing of life.

Alfred Sisley - All painting represents some thing with which the painter has fallen in love.

*Robert Delauney (Orphism) - Even if art cannot liberate itself from the object, it can leave behind a description.

*George Braque (Cubist) - Art is made to disturb. Science reassures.

*Paul Gaughin - The work of a man is the explanation of that man.

Amedeo Modigliani - I try to formulate with the greatest clarity, the truth about art and life, in the way that I experienced it.

*Henri Matisse (Fauvist) - That which I dream of is an art of balance, of purity, of tranquility, without disquieting or preoccupying subjects, which is...an emollient, a balm for the mind, a thing analogous to a trusty armchair which absolves the body of its weariness.

*Vincent van Gogh - Making sketches amounts to a planting of seeds that grow into paintings.

有些真的形容得很貼切啊...讀著這些藝術家描述後 再看看他們的作品,就真得很make sense...

光是看著這些quotations就有雞皮疙瘩起來的共鳴&很棒的感動.. :)

