2011年8月23日 星期二

Vision & To Be

"There are two kinds of people in this world - those who make a difference & those who are yet to realize the might of their full potential." 

Purdue has never failed to amaze me. 

At least, I've been discovering more and more people and resources that I'm in awe with. 

The quotation struck me today. 

I posted it to share with Sung.

"I think you're the one who's making a difference in countless places, but I'm the latter in the phrase...
so, how would I become the first type? Any inspirational notes I can read that you'll write?" 

If there was one thing I realized about myself in this post, it would be that I was being passive

While I tutored to my summer student Sophie about passive and active voices, I, myself, still use the passive voice to communicate. 

Why can I never step out of my shy shadow? 

Don't tell me it's because of personality, 
don't tell me it's because of ...... 

can't that be improved? 

I want to be - I want to have - so I'll have to become.... 


entre nous, je me dis. 

This is it. 

